Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reality Check


First. I bet, about 1/2 of you, or more (I haven't done the stats) will read this and think something like, "this doesn't apply to me." That's great! Except that it does. Just change out the specifics, go to the general principles.

We have all grown up with the idea that that "perfect person" that is "meant to be" will just waltz in to your life (though we keep in mind, they may samba, jive, or otherwise foxtrot into your life- we leave it up to their personality on that one). We have also heard for years that there is not just one "perfect person" that alone is "meant to be," so how do we combine those ideas, because, if you ask any person in a truly committed and happy relationship, that person is their soul mate.

Naturally, many of you already know. We also hear that God waits for the perfect time for everything in our lives.

So, how does this all fit, and where is our responsibility?

See, God has a perfect timetable for your life. It even fits perfectly with your choices, and yes, I can argue that philosophically, but I don't want to right now, so just remember what you already know about that, and if nothing else, just believe me on this one.

But, He doesn't just decide haphazardly when the "right time" is, the perfect person is right for a reason. You have to actively choose and be that kind of person, for light attracts light (D&C 88:40). Now, there is another balance that we need to remember, and that is "pray as if all depends on God, act as if it all depends on you" and that applies here too. Do not despair, trust in His timing above all things, JUST please don't let it be an excuse to sit back and think He will do everything. Yes. This is a note to myself more than anything else.

You can't just sit back and wait for God to do all the work finding your soul mate. This extends beyond just dating a lot. You have to be in the right place: in your development, and that takes effort my friend.

Now, don't get all mad and say I'm not credible because I am very single and so therefore have no legitimacy. Truth is still true. Your choices matter. They shape your eternal character, which makes you the perfect fit for "that person" it's not some crazy, unknowable, mystical force, it is a perfectly wise God who waits for you to be ready. I don't know what I need to change, what I need to improve so that I can be ready. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I am definitely a work in progress. And, I am doing what I can to make sure I change deliberately. Yet, in the meantime, I can be content, I can be faithful, and I can definitely be happy along the way.

Remember the principles of work and faith, and you got it. Reality check. Life is definitely a balance, and it's definitely not consistent. Things keep changing and growing, and subtracting, and multiplying. Life changes. You get the idea. Just keep the faith. Miracles can happen, but they are often disguised through hard work and a long time period, and come in ways you didn't expect. Isn't life great? I think so.

I am sure I didn't capture everything that I will wish I had, so I reserve the right to edit my posts later, adding and subtracting as I deem necessary. Especially because I keep learning and remembering along the way, so it's very likely to change, and to seek to find, balance, and live what is true.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure anyone will disagree with you at all on this one. Your logic is sound accepting the premises you assume about God. Life IS work. Faith without works is dead after all. Nothing worth having in life comes easy; opposition in all things has a nasty way of making that true. So I love what you have to say about balance, we need to balance all the opposing forces in our life and stay on the path that we choose and not fall off.
