Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Great DC Adventure 2013

This is more of an update in my life - but if you are looking for something to read, feel free to read my long tale of my time in DC.

When you begin to live life, you begin to have adventures. Sometimes, they may not seem to be extraordinary adventures, but any adventure is better than no adventure.

Most of my life was spent in the ‘no adventure zone’ until I started noticing the adventure around me, especially when I started limiting my "I'm bored, I'll get on Facebook" time and other things like that.

This last series of events, which as I begin to type this, aren’t over yet – but it is the best time I have to start writing them down.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Since Sunday

Well, it's been so different since I cut back on my media use a few days ago.