Sunday, June 30, 2013

Break the Cycle

Have you ever realized that you’re leading a terrestrial life? Nothing wrong per se, you’ve got friends and a good job, and you do help and make a difference. Well, maybe not. But I have.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I've been away for a while - trying to live life instead of just observing it.

I just got back from a trip to California, and before that I was in Washington DC, and I've even been to work in and out of all my travels. :)

Life is an adventure - we are here to live it and to learn from our experiences. I'm naturally more of an observer - but it has been wonderful to be part of life, making memories and learning and becoming more like my Savior.

And, I've got a few more little thoughts I want to share that I've been thinking about

First is obedience. I've been noticing lately that people are actually naturally obedient. The rebellious streak is there, but it usually only comes out when the reasoning / consequences aren't clear or accepted. It's easy to look at the world and despair about the wickedness (which is there), but we can look around and see people all over trying to be good people. It's great.

Second, is the importance to keep moving forward. :) We need to be diligent my friends. And that means continuing to go forward when you don't know, understand, or feel like you can - when you know or at least feel it is right. It is very hard for me sometimes - I have a tendency to look at the big picture and get overwhelmed - but we can just take it day by day - be faithful today - do your best today. That kind of thing.

Third and fourth are the importance of keeping, understanding, and defending history and knowledge. We have a lot to learn, a lot to improve on, but we need to remember that the world didn't start when we were born. Things matter, and we should work to remember and teach them to others.

Sadly, the fifth point is one I wish I could report on better. I spent the week with members of my extended family who either aren't members of the church or aren't faithful. I wish I could say I was a firm person who testified distinctly and with eloquence, so their hearts were at least softened to the truth. Well, I tried a little, but I stumbled over words, and tried to avoid awkwardness, and wasn't very bold in my testimony. I don't think I messed it all up, but I could definitely have been better. I'm reporting this because I feel it is important to do so - being accountable helps me to grow.