Thursday, April 26, 2012

Remember This

And now I would that ye should be humble and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works.
 And may the Lord bless you, and keep your garments spotless, that ye may be at last be brought to sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the holy prophets who have been ever since the world began, having your garments spotless even as their garments are spotless, in the kingdom of heaven to go no more out.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Do I React When...?

I know I always shock you with my amazing thoughts you've never thought before, so try not to be shocked by this revelation.

There are a few different types of people in this world. I am going to focus on a couple different ways people react to offense. There are those who take offense to everything and hold grudges, anger, and bitterness towards the other. There are those that quickly let go of anger, but quietly are hurt. There are those that have a way of truly forgiving and moving forward, letting go of both anger and hurt. I recently read in Helaman where the prophet Nephi gives a great revelation about a murder and who the murderer is. Many people disregard this, even when it was shown to be a true miracle; and there were those that believed him from the beginning, and there were those who believed after they saw. We each have reasons for reacting the way that we do.

And, we feel completely justified {at least in the moment} for reacting that way. If you couldn't guess, I am the second type of person. I let go of anger quickly, but I haven't quite figured out how to let the hurt go. I just tend to let it sit there, as long as it's not hurting anyone else, it's ok, right? No. Alas, I am not perfect. Another shock for you, I'm sure. Ha. Anyway. I just have a hard time with "how" to trust people again, how to let go, how to continue to have faith in humanity, and if I am not careful in the future, I won't know how to have faith in my God. Ok. This is coming across too extreme.

Let me give you an example, maybe it will come across how I want. I can say this because I know the person involved doesn't read my blog because she told me so, and we're still friends, so it's cool. Though, she should read this anyway, right? Haha.

Well, this friend and I have had our ups and downs, and like girls do, we talk about the downs, and go on with our friendship. Well, as she knows and you now know, I don't always let the hurt go from the times we've been "down" in our friendship. I just don't always know how. Now, at the risk of this sounding like an unwanted public apology, I would have you know that I am getting better. I think. Yet, I also know that the Lord is there to pick me up, when I recognize where I am, where I truly want to go, and that He is there. He is there for me and my friendships, helping me let go of any hurt, intentional or not, even when I don't know how to let go.

We need to remember how we react to things. We need to know areas that cause us stress, and we need to prayerfully find ways to improve. If we don't know what we're doing wrong, we're going to keep doing it. In addition, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." --W. Edwards Deming (for those of you who want to know who he is).

So, identify areas where you are not strong, for we know that we are shown these {if we're paying attention} that the Lord will help make them strengths. Therefore, we can assume, by the end of my life's journey, if not before {hopefully I'm not that slow of a learner}, I will be the third type who miraculously lets it go and forgives. 

We each react differently to stress, to trials, to blessings, to joy, to sunrises, to thunderstorms, and one necessary way of progressing is to identify where we can improve.

Please don't go out and make a list for yourself {or anyone else} this begins to feel hopeless. I know from experience. Just prayerfully consider one area, like I've done in this post, and ask God for help in making it a strength. Read this scripture and even glory in your areas of weakness to truly let Christ show His miracles through you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reality Check


First. I bet, about 1/2 of you, or more (I haven't done the stats) will read this and think something like, "this doesn't apply to me." That's great! Except that it does. Just change out the specifics, go to the general principles.

We have all grown up with the idea that that "perfect person" that is "meant to be" will just waltz in to your life (though we keep in mind, they may samba, jive, or otherwise foxtrot into your life- we leave it up to their personality on that one). We have also heard for years that there is not just one "perfect person" that alone is "meant to be," so how do we combine those ideas, because, if you ask any person in a truly committed and happy relationship, that person is their soul mate.

Naturally, many of you already know. We also hear that God waits for the perfect time for everything in our lives.

So, how does this all fit, and where is our responsibility?

See, God has a perfect timetable for your life. It even fits perfectly with your choices, and yes, I can argue that philosophically, but I don't want to right now, so just remember what you already know about that, and if nothing else, just believe me on this one.

But, He doesn't just decide haphazardly when the "right time" is, the perfect person is right for a reason. You have to actively choose and be that kind of person, for light attracts light (D&C 88:40). Now, there is another balance that we need to remember, and that is "pray as if all depends on God, act as if it all depends on you" and that applies here too. Do not despair, trust in His timing above all things, JUST please don't let it be an excuse to sit back and think He will do everything. Yes. This is a note to myself more than anything else.

You can't just sit back and wait for God to do all the work finding your soul mate. This extends beyond just dating a lot. You have to be in the right place: in your development, and that takes effort my friend.

Now, don't get all mad and say I'm not credible because I am very single and so therefore have no legitimacy. Truth is still true. Your choices matter. They shape your eternal character, which makes you the perfect fit for "that person" it's not some crazy, unknowable, mystical force, it is a perfectly wise God who waits for you to be ready. I don't know what I need to change, what I need to improve so that I can be ready. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I am definitely a work in progress. And, I am doing what I can to make sure I change deliberately. Yet, in the meantime, I can be content, I can be faithful, and I can definitely be happy along the way.

Remember the principles of work and faith, and you got it. Reality check. Life is definitely a balance, and it's definitely not consistent. Things keep changing and growing, and subtracting, and multiplying. Life changes. You get the idea. Just keep the faith. Miracles can happen, but they are often disguised through hard work and a long time period, and come in ways you didn't expect. Isn't life great? I think so.

I am sure I didn't capture everything that I will wish I had, so I reserve the right to edit my posts later, adding and subtracting as I deem necessary. Especially because I keep learning and remembering along the way, so it's very likely to change, and to seek to find, balance, and live what is true.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Look for Lessons Everyday

The road you are on may not go as you plan. It won't go the "usual route" by you are on the right path and though there will be bumps and frustrations, unexpected stops, and confusion, you will go where you need there, you will get there when it is right, and you will succeed. You will find joy along the way, and for eternity. The joy along the way may not be as wonderful, it definitely cannot compare to the eternal joy, but it is joy. Once you get there, all the bumps and traffic cease to matter, for the joy and peace you will find will be so...fulfilling and strengthening, that though you had a hard time, even with finding joy in the journey, you don't remember for the peace that is in your heart.

I can go the distance. I may fear and want to turn around early, but, self, keep going. You really are almost there and there is no sufficient reason to turn back, keep going, even in the dark, even in sometimes unknown or intimidating circumstances. Self, I ask you to keep going.

The above came directly because of this mini adventure:

The other day, I decided to go up to the Timpanogos Temple, I live in Provo and was actually at the Provo Temple when I made this decision, I don't have a car of my own, and I didn't have a lot of time. I had a car I was borrowing, and so when I felt like I needed to go, I went. 

I've been to this temple many times, from many different starting locations. Growing up, the Mount Timpanogos Temple has always been "my" temple, so trips are not unheard of. This time, though starting from the usual spot, I took a completely different route. The road was incredibly bumpy, and people were the stereotypical "Utah Drivers" that frustrated me a little. I just wanted a nice drive, people! :) Surprise, I got to the temple. I thought about this, just sitting in the parking lot, where I wrote the above on the back of a receipt I had in my wallet. I tried to think of how I found joy in the journey because I distinctly remembered a few vicious pot holes that made me fear for the safety of the borrowed car. But, then I remembered a few songs had come on the radio that had made me smile and enjoy the journey, though it was dark, I saw beautiful scenery, etc. There were a lot more moments of joy than of pain. It definitely didn't match the joy and peace that came to my heart from actually getting to the temple, but hey, joy is joy. At the temple, I just felt calm. I had things on my mind, certainly, but, I felt filled and strengthened, which may seem weird, but it doesn't to me. 

I started out knowing I could do it, I felt a little badly for taking someone else's car the unnecessary 30 miles {see, finding cars has miraculously always worked when I needed them, so an unnecessary trip was a big deal}, and I was tired, it was getting late, and I had to go to work early in the morning. I kept thinking I should probably just turn back, since I didn't "have to go to the temple" since I wasn't going in {temple was closed} had just been at the Provo Temple, but the thought kept coming, that it would be nice to go and I had already come so far {so, obviously not a perfect metaphor, in life and time, we can't literally turn around}, nothing seemed sufficient to hold me back, and so, I kept going. It was weird driving at night, since I don't have my own car, I only drive in the morning/afternoon to get to and from work, and this car was new to me so some features and quirks of the car itself were intimidating. Yet, I kept going, and you know of the peace I felt there.

I do apologize that this post seems out of order. I know my lessons are often only the surface level thoughts, unoriginal, and repetitive. I need a lot of repetition, because I forget easily. I need unoriginal thoughts because I haven't mastered them yet, and I figure, it is alright that this is where I am, and it is right that I share it with you. In fact, I felt that I needed to share this, as unorganized and poorly written as it seems. I learned a lot. I needed this driving and life lesson. Maybe you needed it too, maybe you, like me, can look for lessons in the daily journeys we face. You will have to find them in your own life, but I assure you they are there. Look around you, find joy and Christ's hand in the journey. Learn something today, even if it is a simple lesson reminding you of something important.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Unexpected Lesson

This unexpected journey began with my daily study yesterday, in the second chapter of Helaman. Yesterday was a day of turmoil for me, mainly because I didn’t have concrete plans for my day and so had a lot more down time and I ruminated a lot on my life and where it was, and where it is headed. This post is long, and I understand if you skim or just don't read it, but I would say that what I have to say is of worth and I would encourage you to read all of it. Don't mind any grammar or other mistakes, I do not claim it is of worth because of my skill as a writer.

A little back story for your reading pleasure: Each day I read the same chapter from the Book of Mormon twice; once in the morning and once again before I go to bed. This is just the method I have found that works the best for me. After each time through, I spend about 10 minutes specifically applying that chapter to myself and recording it in my journal, helping me to actually pay attention to what I read.

Chapter 2 is short. It explains first how, after much contention and division among the people, Helaman becomes chief judge after the introduction of Kishkumen and the band. It details how Gadianton becomes the leader and plots the murder of Helaman’s life, yet is stopped by the servant of Helaman. This is all great, but I struggled applying it. Until I focused on the last 2 verses especially. Verse thirteen says “And behold, in the end of this book ye shall see that this Gadianton did prove the overthrow, yea almost the entire destruction of the people of Nephi.” Why is this? It started with the contention and division among the people. Here is what I wrote for the morning: “What things in your life destroy your peace? Which divide your heard and hurt your soul, though they may seem flattering at the time, maybe not even harmful, they just satisfy your curiosity? Do not give them place in your heart. Leave only that which brings you closer to Christ, healing your wounded soul, things that are in harmony with God’s law, because in the end, either path will shape you, your very soul either unto destruction or unto eternal joy. If you do not follow Christ, you will find yourself in misery.”

When I wrote that, I began to be intrigued what things hold me back, but I couldn’t think of anything. However, by the end of a very hard day emotionally, I unintentionally answered the question I posed in the morning, and I was shocked and humbled how the Lord taught me. Here is what I wrote:

“I know all the right answers, but I don’t feel them. I do not feel that they apply to me, I do not feel God’s love for me. If anyone else was saying this or feeling what I am feeling right now, I would and do feel God’s love for them. But I do not feel it for me. I just feel alone, I just feel I am not ever going to be “good enough,” or that people actually love ME, that I am somehow ever going to be “worth it” that I would ever be wanted or included; I feel that it is always my fault, I am always wrong. I truly feel that I will just be left looking in to others’ joy for eternity. *These are the thoughts that will be the destruction of my soul if I do not come unto Christ. Peace is often disturbed by sin, keep trying to find it again.”

*is where I realized how it applied to me, and felt humbled. I do not always feel like I felt yesterday, in fact, I woke up feeling much better, after a restless night pondering my feelings and trying to find peace. This lesson was not what I expected. I had thought it was merely a pity-party, but the Lord used it to teach me a lesson, and I am glad I listened.

See, the Nephites’ peace is always destroyed by the Lamanites, and usually that is because a dissenter went over there and brought back the force of the Lamanites to the Nephites. I just finished the war chapters and as I read those, I thought of how we can liken these things to ourselves, and for a lot of good info on the war chapters, see John Bytheway’s book “Righteous warriors” but this thought doesn’t directly come from there. I thought a lot how the body is like the land of the Nephites. Each city has to be protected, just like each value or desire must be protected. It is a continual effort, and sometimes we let sin into just one area of our lives, we lose a city to the Lamanites as it were. The Nephites who dissent from the religion often went and provoked the Lamanites to come and disturb the peace of the Nephites, like how we have to let sin in, sometimes it comes on its own, but we have to stop doing our part and keep it far from us. By not preparing ourselves and fighting for what is right, we lose part of ourselves. This was yesterday’s lesson.

I am hesitant to post this, feeling like the bulk of it is far too personal to share, and even when I decided to share it, I figured I would only put it on my other blog because only the "devout" or "true" followers of my story would read it there. But, in church today, I was open to the Spirit, because of many things detailed elsewhere, and the thought “why do you fear sharing the things of your soul? The truth is within you and you can share your experiences with others, there is no need to be distrustful of the people who will read this. And you will do good by sharing it.” So. I am. I hope this and the rest of what I write today will be a benefit to someone.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Steve's Doughnuts

I don't remember exactly how I found this story, I don't know who wrote it, or anything except what I have posted here. Even still, I would ask you to consider it. It is similar to this post, I feel it helps in a small way to understand another aspect of the Atonement. It may seem a little cheesy, but sometimes it is the cheesy stories that are the easiest to understand.

Steve opens the door into Brother Christensen's seminary class. He was always the last one to enter, and the first one to leave. One day, Brother Christensen asked Steve to stay after class.

"You think you're pretty tough, don't you Steve?" Brother Christensen asked. 
"Yes" replied Steve. 
"About how many push-ups can you do?"
"I do 200 push-ups every night."
"200, that is pretty good. Do you think you could do 300?" 
"I don't know, I've never done 300 at one time."
"Do you think you could?"
"Well, I can try."
"Can you do 300, in sets of 10?  I need you to do 300 in sets of ten for this to work. Can you do it? I need you to tell me you can do it."
"Well, I think I can...ya...I can do it."
"Good. I need you to do this on Friday."

Friday came, and Steve was standing at the front of the room before class. On the table was a box of the biggest, expensive, delicious donuts. 

Brother Christensen turned to the first person on the first row, "Cynthia, do you want a doughnut?" "Yes" "Steve, would you do ten push ups so that Cynthia can have a  doughnut ?" "Sure!" Steve quickly did the ten push ups and Cynthia got the  doughnut . Brother Christensen headed down each row, repeating this process. He soon came to Scott, who asked to do his own push ups. Brother Christensen replied that Steve had to do the push ups. "Then I don't want one." Brother Christensen turned to Steve and asked "Steve will do you do 10 push ups so that Scott can have a  doughnut he doesn't want?" Steve started doing the push ups, Scott got really mad, and soon he had a  doughnut on his desk. Brother Christensen replied, "This is my class, just leave it on your desk if you don't want it." 

Steve started to slow down, a little perspiration, the class started getting angrier by the third row. Most people were refusing the  doughnut now. They turned away and wouldn't watch Steve do the push ups, yet each got a  doughnut .

During class, additional students walked in. They sat on the side of the room, and some of the students realized this, and making quick count, 34 students, the students started to worry. He went on, near the end of the third row, Steve had a hard time, he asked Brother Christensen, "Does my nose have to touch the ground each time?" "They are your push ups, do them how you would like." 

A few minutes later, Jason was about to come in. The class yelled and begged him not to come in. Steve replied, "No, let him come." Brother Christensen turned to him, "Do you realize what this means?" Steve replied, "Yes, let him come."

Ten very slow push ups later, a bewildered Jason was handed a doughnut . Brother Christensen finished the fourth row and started on those seated around the room. Steve's arms were now shaking with each push up in the struggle to lift himself against gravity. There was not a dry eye in the room. 

The last two girls were both cheerleaders, Linda, the second to last, was asked if she wanted a doughnut . "No, thank you" she replied. Brother Christensen turned to Steve, "Would you do ten push ups so Linda can have the doughnut  she doesn't want?" Ten push ups were done. Finally, he turned to Susan. "Susan, would you like a doughnut?" With tears flowing, Susan asked "Can I help him?" "No. He has to do this alone." "Then, I do not want one." "Steve, would you do ten push ups so Susan can have the  doughnut she doesn't want?" 

Slowly, he finished. He had accomplished all that was required, having done 350 push ups, his arms buckled, he fell to the floor.

"And so it was, that our Savior plead to the Father, 'Into Thy hands I commend my spirit.' After all that was required, He collapsed and died. And, like some of those in this room, many of us leave the gift on the desk, uneaten."  

Steve smiled on the ground where he lay in is own sweat and began to cry.

Remember the Savior, remember to apply His gift into your life, your heart, and your actions. I know it is not a perfect metaphor, but choose to learn from it anyway, turn to your Savior today.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Reflection in the Water

Please read this post. It is written by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf and is positively phenomenal for all. Yes. This one is specific to the CES young adults, but I bet, if you try, you can find some precious and eternal truths even if it does not directly apply to you.

 It is rather long, so plan accordingly. I promise it will help bring peace and healing to your soul.

Read it here

Some quotes I love:

But Shakespeare was wrong — "To be, or not to be" is not the question at all. There are other options beyond that simple contradiction. For my taste, I'd have Hamlet turn to the audience and say: "Knowing that I am a child of God, what need I do and be to live up to this potential? That is the question." Now, I understand that such an edit would hopelessly ruin one of the greatest literary masterpieces of all time. Nevertheless, if I were writing a script for you, that is how I would word it.

Discovering who we really are is part of this great adventure called life. Mankind's greatest minds have wrestled endlessly with these questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What happens after we die? And how does all this fit together — how does it make sense?

Once we begin to understand the answers to these questions — not with the mind only, but with the heart and the soul — we will begin to understand who we are, and we will feel like the wanderer who is finally finding home. We will feel like the young swan who has discovered at last who he really is. Everything finally makes sense.

The challenge is that the answers to these questions are simply beyond man's earthly capacity to logically determine. Questions that reach into spiritual things require spiritual answers. Those who reject revelation and insist on tangible evidence can only speculate or deny that there is life before or after this mortal sphere. Consequently, they may never understand who they really are or what true purpose life has.

Another error you might easily make in dating is expecting to find perfection in the person you are with. The truth is, the only perfect people you might know are those you don't know very well. Everyone has imperfections. Now, I'm not suggesting you lower your standards and marry someone with whom you can't be happy. But one of the things I've realized as I've matured in life is that if someone is willing to accept me — imperfect as I am — then I should be willing to be patient with others' imperfections as well. Since you won't find perfection in your partner, and your partner won't find it in you, your only chance at perfection is in creating perfection together.

There are those who do not marry because they feel a lack of "magic" in the relationship. By "magic" I assume they mean sparks of attraction. Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, and I would never counsel you to marry someone you do not love. Nevertheless — and here is another thing that is sometimes hard to accept — that magic sparkle needs continuous polishing. When the magic endures in a relationship, it's because the couple made it happen, not because it mystically appeared due to some cosmic force.

Remember that there is "a time to weep" but also "a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance." If your heart has been heavy for a while, perhaps it is time to allow the light of the Son of God into your heart. I plead with you — just look into the water and see your true reflection! Realize the purpose for which you were created! Lift your face toward the far horizon!

It is well for you to laugh! It is well for you to be happy! Lift up your voices and "praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving."

You don't need to wait for permission to fill your hearts with thanksgiving and happiness. You can do this nicely on your own. 

There will always be voices telling you that you are foolish to believe that you are swans, insisting you are but ugly ducklings and that you can't expect to become anything else.
But you know better. Because of the revealed word of a merciful God, you have seen your true reflection in the water and you have felt the eternal glory of that divine spirit within you. You are no ordinary beings, my beloved young friends all around the world. You are glorious and eternal.
No matter your circumstances or trials in life, I urge you to remember who you are, where you came from, and where you are going — for the answers to those questions will truly provide confidence and direction for your life.

Ok. That is all I am going to post on here. Choose to go read the rest of it. It's amazing.

Upcoming Posts

In the next few days, I expect to be posting a lot. I really truly want as many people to read what I post as can possibly happen. Here is why: I am not the author of what I will write, though, I reserve the right to add my commentary.

I just finished Spring Cleaning :) And during this, I found a wonderful stash of notes, past conference talks, letters, etc.

I saved them for a reason. They are amazing. So. I want to share them with you, now that I have a way to do so. Please read and share as you wish.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

At Church Today

I just started a new blog, which is going to be my journal for promptings and other thoughts that I had while in my church. This is to avoid just sitting in church, and not just going through the motions. I once heard a quote that says: 

"Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car."

Learning and growth is an active process. I desperately need to heed my own advice from this blog, to truly act and remember and look at myself, see how I'm doing. I don't want to just ask the questions to others. I struggle so often, and I need to critically look and see how I'm doing, and choose something each day to work on.

So, I have posted some of my older notes from church, and will continue to do so each week, so that I am actively listening and accountable to pay attention and learn continually.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hold Your Peace

In the first video I posted below, one line stuck out to me more than the others. It relates to how the Savior held His peace. This Easter, and always, may we hold our peace close to our hearts, and remember to try a little harder to be a little better.

The Savior held His peace. He treasured and recognized its worth and did not let it out of His heart, nor give way to the trials and persecution around Him.  One day at a time, we can become more like Him. 

Remember His divine Atonement and its infinite power to heal even your broken heart. He lived for us. He died for us, and He lives again, to bring to pass His work and glory, the immortality and eternal life of man. Remember to follow Him a little more steadfastly today. 

"Our Savior lived again. The most glorious, comforting, and reassuring of all events of human history had taken place-the victory over death. The pain and agony of Gethsemane and Calvary had been wiped away. The salvation of mankind had been secured. The Fall of Adam had been reclaimed. The empty tomb that first Easter morning was the answer to Job's question, 'If a man die, shall he live again?' To all within the sound of my voice, I declare, If a man die, he shall live again. We know for we have the light of revealed truth." --President Thomas S. Monson

(a Prophet's testimony)

I know that my Redeemer Lives.
What comfort this sweet sentence gives. 
He lives, He lives who once was dead;
He lives, my ever living head.
He lives to bless me with His love
e lives to plead for me above.
He lives, my hungry soul to feed
He lives to bless in time of need

He lives to wipe away my tears
He lives to calm my troubled heart

He lives and loves me to the end
He lives, and while He lives I'll sing

He lives, all glory to His name
He lives, my Savior still the same
Oh sweet, the joy this sentence gives
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives
I Know that My Redeemer Lives

  (MOTAB singing this Hymn)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Struggle: Choose to Be Happy

This is something I struggle with, and I think it is a common struggle. But, I also think it is possible to improve.

Choosing to be happy is as easy as you let it be. I have tried to fake it till I make it, but I want to suggest something better. When I fake being happy, I constantly remember why I am not actually happy, I dwell on it internally, and consequently can never make it to true happiness.

Choose to be happy instead. We are in charge of our mood. I find that I often don't believe it is this easy- but it is. You may have to keep making that choice, over and over, and over again, but keep choosing it. Choose to be happy despite whatever it is that is trying to convince you to stay unhappy.

What if I don't want to be happy? Hmm.. That's a legitimate feeling, that I've also felt... There are two reasons I can think of. Obviously, in life circumstances come up that you can't just brush them off, it would deny the amazing learning experience, and the true feelings that are just as important as being happy. You will have trials, you will have pain, and it would be foolish and naive to suggest that these are not important and necessary. 

Here's the thing though. The other, more common reason people feel this way, is because they are usually selfish. I have been experiencing this today. And, it's not worth it, even when I stubbornly want to stay mad or annoyed at circumstances in my life. It's not worth it for you either. Let's both remember, and choose to be happy. Why would I keep choosing to be upset? I don't enjoy it. So, when I remember this, it's easier for me to set it aside.

I just think, there comes a point where eventually you just have to choose to be happy. Choose to see past the trouble, and be at peace in the storm. You may not be able to control the outer storm raging upon you, but with the help of Christ and His healing, infinite Atonement, you can find a way to be happy, by simply choosing to try.

Maybe we need to remember what happiness truly is. I don't have the space to both keep your attention and explain what I think, but maybe there is more to being happy than smiling all the time. Just think about it, and what it means to you to be happy.

Look at the good things, recognize what the Lord has done for you. Today, I witnessed a glorious sunset, my favorite kinds, and I allowed part of my bad mood drift away. Just take it a step at a time. We'll both get better at this.

And on a lighter note, check this out, my friend posted it on their wall. It will help keep your mind off whatever you are currently letting hold you down. (**PS one of the picture's caption swears, and I don't approve that, just ignore it if you can and choose to be happy in spite of it :)  )

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Are your moods correlated with the weather? Sometimes I think the weather is a better descriptor of my mood than a mood ring <--song on YouTube, unrelated to post. And For the record, I am not currently in a storm, but I have in the past noticed a strong correlation ;)

Why is the rain symbolic of sadness? Is it the similarity of rain drops and tear drops? Probably. Why are we depressed when we learn it is going to rain? Ok. Maybe you are not, but I hear it a lot, from different people, and feel the same way often. 

I think it is really interesting, because not only do we need the change to rain to appreciate the sun light, we also desperately need the rain to be just what it is, rain. It cleanses and helps the world grow and recover. 

We need rain and we need trials and sadness. Not just so we can appreciate the good times, but to help us become aware of ourselves, to help us remember what matters most and to realign ourselves with it.

So, yes. Maybe it is metaphorically and literally storming inside and outside of your heart. Let it. Let yourself feel the power of the storm and remember there is a God who not only is in complete control, but who loves you so much that He promises that the storm will end and you will be so much stronger because of it.

For the record, there is a ton of gorgeous pictures of rain. I have been reading up on copyright law, so I took them down. Sorry.


Choose your surroundings wisely, for they truly help develop your character.

Now, try to just think about what I am saying. I don’t want to offend you, I don’t want to tear down the things you hold dear, I just want to help you remember an important truth. Little things matter. And, just because we can’t see in black and white their influence, does not mean that they don’t affect us. Ok? Are we still on the same page?

I want to share an example of how people don’t seem to agree, and maybe you won’t either. Or, maybe you will agree that it affects others, but you won’t believe it changes you. The scientific and religious debate is united in this matter. Media influences who we are.  

For example, last fall, I started writing a paper on aggression and the media. Every time I mentioned to someone that I was writing a paper on violence and the media, they got extremely defensive. They assured me that it didn’t affect them because they “were not mass murderers” or that they were not violent people.

I have done a lot of research in this matter, reading tons of studies, working with professors who study this trend, and my own observations. There seem to be 5 main reasons that people don’t believe media affects them. They rationalize it away because of different reasons, mainly because they like it and don’t want to give it up; they are not bad people so it cannot be in anyway negative. Second, as already described, they agree that it affects others, but they don’t see it in themselves. Third, over time, the affects and meaning are lost on them because of desensitization. Another one is the media itself. The media is a great source for keeping people accountable for their actions by making them known to the general public. However, when the media might be the negative source, they are understandably defensive and do not publish the information truly objectively. Instead, they ignore the problem or repeat over and over that their message that the decades of research and documentation have no merit, and people don’t get to hear the other side. Finally, people misunderstand psychological processes; mainly that violent media does not change them in ways they expect. I am not in any way saying that by watching violent media, you will become a serial killer, or anything like that. I cannot adequately and yet briefly explain here how exposure to violent media affects the thoughts, feelings, biology, and regard of others.    This blog is not about that.

Instead, this blog is about helping us remember. I chose this example because I am personally acquainted with it. It has become apparent to me that we often don’t take time to listen and notice things about ourselves. We don’t see a before/after view of ourselves, and the little things just keep coming. They shape us for good and for ill. The idea I want to leave with you is to stop drifting along in the river of life. Actively choose where you want to go and how you will get there. Pay careful attention to things in your life, for they truly are influencing you, and shaping your character. Remember to notice. Remember that little things matter and affect you similarly to how they affect others.  

Little things matter. Little choices on a day-to-day basis shape who we are. Remember to make the little things count and help you stay on the path leading you where you want to go.