Thursday, October 4, 2012

Baby Steps, Bob

As any runner will tell you, starting is always the hardest. Or, at least, that's what all my running friends have told me.  I'm not a runner, so I can't tell you for sure. But, I think I agree with Doctor Leo Marvin, Bob, and my running friends, that you have to just start. I find the Baby-Steps method to be one worth trying. 

Take baby steps if you need to, but take them. What can you do today to move closer to your goal? You may not be tall enough, strong enough, smart enough, or skilled enough, yet, but if you just sit there and think about it, you'll just stay there.

Remember: It's ok to be where you are, but it's not ok to let yourself stay there for eternity, and let's face it, who would want to? I would be bored in 10 minutes!

In a recent meeting at work, we were told to look at where we wanted to go - in our jobs and life in general, look at what we can do, and focus on 3 things we could accomplish today. It's hard, knowing what to focus on, what is best for your time and ability, and it can be scary to take a risk. Yes, some people are natural risk takers, I definitely am not, but I risk other things by being a non-risk taker, and risk takers are often avoiding other risks like settling down. We may be different, but we're quite similar. Everything is a balance, life is a risk from any perspective. 

Look at where you want to go, focus on what you can do, and leave the rest for God and time to settle out. Start today.

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