Sunday, April 28, 2013

An Idea

I've had an idea to help my life, blogging world.

I am going to try to 'unplug' as it were for the entire month of May, which does include my birthday. Naturally this isn't going to be entirely possible - I will still have my phone for basic contact, and I will still check my emails occasionally, though on a limited basis. And work I manage their social media so that doesn't get to count. So, if you really want to hear from me, read the blog, email, or text/call me. I'm not hiding from people, just distractions.

This is because I feel I am not able to remember what is important or learn new things because I am wasting my time. Oh, and I'll still write occasionally about whatever thoughts keep coming to mind, for that's how I process information and learn.

The way I see it, we were sent to Earth with a veil of forgetfulness, and that still seems to be the underlying cause of my errors - I forget. I get distracted. I lose focus and perspective because I forget what matters most. And in my life, so many of my errors can be tied to seeking 'good' things instead of the 'best' things - i.e., entertainment only through a series of flashing lights instead of building actual relationships with those around me.

I need to learn to remember my Savior and develop a true relationship with Him, and I can't do that while I am distracted. See, when I look at so much of the social media, or entertainment in general, I forget to be grateful. And I see all the blessings of others, or all the possibilities, or adventures around me, and I compare myself to them. When I am feeling weak or out of place, I either judge others or become sad. Neither option is very good. So, I need to take a month to develop a new reliance on God instead of mind-numbing distractions to keep me occupied "until I can have xyz to be happy". Anyway, I have found to make improvements in my life I need to be accountable to someone, and so I am going to be accountable here, and I will keep a record of the things I've noticed, learned, or appreciated, while I've been away from my distractions. Hopefully I'll really come to know my Savior when I stop letting little things isolate me from those closest to me, and treasure the blessings He has given me.

So, I will be retreating for a month. I will catch up, I'm sure, with all my friends' birthdays, weddings, funny pictures, engagements, and general well-wishes in June. Not a big deal, really, but I will let you know if I notice a difference.

Oh and good music and books don't count as unplugging. :)

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