Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Forest and Trees

The only way you are going to be able to see the forest, instead of just trees is to get above it. If you limit yourself to only seeing that which is close, obvious, safe, or usual, you won't be able to see the bigger picture. This picture is not limited to the casual viewing of timbers. It applies all over, in jobs, in relationships, and most of all in the eternal scheme of things.

You do need to be able to navigate the trees that are right in front of you, the obstacles in your path, the daily checklists, the tasks and assignments, arguments, holidays, etc.

Just remember to open your heart, and see the forest {i.e, God's plan for you}through your faith. Climb above and beyond just what is right in front of you. Maybe you feel like the path you're on could never, ever lead where you want, and where God has promised it does. Trust in the known God to show you the unknown {to you}way. Trust in Him to guide you safely, for He does have a path for you, and through the Atonement, the way is prepared, though like any good hike, it requires effort to get there.

"Oh  man, remember and perish not." Do not despair, do not cease trusting, do not give in, all of these stop your progress, leaving you surrounded only by trees, never seeing the forest.

Trust God. There is a whole forest, there is a whole plan already figured out and, it's beautiful.

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