Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Analysis Paralysis

I once had the very strong impression, while sitting in one of my college classes, that one day I would think myself out of a testimony.

So, I did all I could to make sure that didn't happen. I kept God in the forefront of my studies, I remembered Him in my philosophies, and I started this blog. Yet, it hit me the other day, that in one specific way, I'd thought myself out of part of my testimony, and it was threatening to take the whole thing down.

It wasn't in my scholarly pursuits, it wasn't in the grand theories of life, it was merely that I had started down the path of distrusting God's promises to me. I couldn't see how He will fulfill them (I still don't but, I've temporarily let that go). It seems to be the most impossible thing in the whole world. Yet, it was promised. I have been praying and doing all I can on my part, to figure out next steps, to wait patiently for His timing, etc. And, still, nothing has happened. I got lost - so scared to be taken for a fool, that I became one.

I often try to look at all the possibilities, to make "the right/best/perfect" decision that I lose all sense of order and direction, forgetting who to trust, what really is right, and I end up losing all sense of peace.
I hope that you will remember your God, who He really is, and how much He truly loves you. There is not a lot we can control in this life, and it is easy to feel anxious when it's something you care about and you can't do anything about it. Remember to trust, and remember that you don't have to have it all figured out before you move forward. Trust in God, and trust in you, too. Mistakes may happen, keep doing your very best, and things will work out.

Keep Moving Forward :)

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