Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Bells are Ringing

I've been living at my parents', trying to sort out a messy apartment situation, and have been loving the refuge I have found here. I am still paying for my old place, and my car/gas bill has gone significantly up, and life gets overwhelming at times.

I was sitting in church today, when I realized I was starting to have a panic moment again - life, the future, how literally stuck I am, and it hit me: I don't have panic moments all the time because I've learned to ignore it and focus on other things - because I can find hope in His promises. The problems haven't gone away, but, I've found the support I need to think about other, better things. So, I realized this, but once I start freaking out, I kinda want to finish... so, I thought about that, and then decided that it would be ok if kept ignoring it, so I went back to focusing on the wonderful lesson we were given about the Savior and how we can make sure He is in our daily lives.

I'm coming up/past my year mark, I can't really remember, ironically. I haven't become a sensation: I am no where near famous, which isn't the point. I have come so much closer to knowing my Savior, all year long, and from some feedback I've gotten, I've helped some dear friends find it too.

With the New Year right around the corner, I want to keep coming closer to Christ. I want to know Him, to trust Him completely, to ignore all the endless possibilities for sadness and misery and remember that He has promised me peace and eternal joy, and He is there to help me get there - today and everyday.

I am right where I need to be. I don't know how everything is going to sort out, but I am at peace. I just pray that I get to enjoy it for a little bit before my bubble bursts again with a new storm of troubles. I'm just learning how to deal with the ones I've got (so yes, queue the next wave...), and it is through relying on my family, by finding deliberate ways to keep getting better, praying a little more sincerely, serving with more of my heart, trusting and remembering a little more each day, that I will remember Him a little more often.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

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