Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Do I React When...?

I know I always shock you with my amazing thoughts you've never thought before, so try not to be shocked by this revelation.

There are a few different types of people in this world. I am going to focus on a couple different ways people react to offense. There are those who take offense to everything and hold grudges, anger, and bitterness towards the other. There are those that quickly let go of anger, but quietly are hurt. There are those that have a way of truly forgiving and moving forward, letting go of both anger and hurt. I recently read in Helaman where the prophet Nephi gives a great revelation about a murder and who the murderer is. Many people disregard this, even when it was shown to be a true miracle; and there were those that believed him from the beginning, and there were those who believed after they saw. We each have reasons for reacting the way that we do.

And, we feel completely justified {at least in the moment} for reacting that way. If you couldn't guess, I am the second type of person. I let go of anger quickly, but I haven't quite figured out how to let the hurt go. I just tend to let it sit there, as long as it's not hurting anyone else, it's ok, right? No. Alas, I am not perfect. Another shock for you, I'm sure. Ha. Anyway. I just have a hard time with "how" to trust people again, how to let go, how to continue to have faith in humanity, and if I am not careful in the future, I won't know how to have faith in my God. Ok. This is coming across too extreme.

Let me give you an example, maybe it will come across how I want. I can say this because I know the person involved doesn't read my blog because she told me so, and we're still friends, so it's cool. Though, she should read this anyway, right? Haha.

Well, this friend and I have had our ups and downs, and like girls do, we talk about the downs, and go on with our friendship. Well, as she knows and you now know, I don't always let the hurt go from the times we've been "down" in our friendship. I just don't always know how. Now, at the risk of this sounding like an unwanted public apology, I would have you know that I am getting better. I think. Yet, I also know that the Lord is there to pick me up, when I recognize where I am, where I truly want to go, and that He is there. He is there for me and my friendships, helping me let go of any hurt, intentional or not, even when I don't know how to let go.

We need to remember how we react to things. We need to know areas that cause us stress, and we need to prayerfully find ways to improve. If we don't know what we're doing wrong, we're going to keep doing it. In addition, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." --W. Edwards Deming (for those of you who want to know who he is).

So, identify areas where you are not strong, for we know that we are shown these {if we're paying attention} that the Lord will help make them strengths. Therefore, we can assume, by the end of my life's journey, if not before {hopefully I'm not that slow of a learner}, I will be the third type who miraculously lets it go and forgives. 

We each react differently to stress, to trials, to blessings, to joy, to sunrises, to thunderstorms, and one necessary way of progressing is to identify where we can improve.

Please don't go out and make a list for yourself {or anyone else} this begins to feel hopeless. I know from experience. Just prayerfully consider one area, like I've done in this post, and ask God for help in making it a strength. Read this scripture and even glory in your areas of weakness to truly let Christ show His miracles through you.


  1. This isn't really related to your topic, but the quote by Mr. Deming reminded me of a section from the book The View From Saturday. Two boys are belching in class and their teacher asks them to come to the front of the class and explain to the class how to belch on command. When they can't, she says, "Since you cannot describe what you have done, I would call belching loudly to interrupt our class an unspeakable act."

    And more on topic, I'm sorry if I've done anything to offend and hurt you.

    Also, how weird is it that even though I obviously am not the girl you talk about, I still find myself wondering if I am?

  2. I shall email you a more personal response, but I did read that book in elementary school I think... the scene sounds familiar though.

    And no, my friend, you have not offended me and it's not weird that you thought that.

    In other news, I am not usually easily offended, it was just something I was thinking about today. The girl mentioned in the story doesn't usually offend me either, it was just used to illustrate a thought I've been mulling over... Some people I know are offended really easily, or they get angry and hold grudges, I don't do that, and I was thinking about it...I suppose naturally there is more behind the scenes why I wrote this post, but it was just an interesting idea I'd discovered... :)

    1. In other news...Marissa I don't have your email account...do you have mine? maybe i will text it to you...

  3. Insightful as always. I find myself in that third category but there are probably two ways to get to that category. One is as you mentioned by emulating Christ and trusting that God will help us grow. However I think I am that way for the other reason, I really just don't care. There are VERY few things and people that I care about. I'm typically very apathetic so nothing really phases me. But all that apathy isn't a good thing. It crosses over into other areas where it's not as useful as for not taking offense, haha.
