Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Struggle: Choose to Be Happy

This is something I struggle with, and I think it is a common struggle. But, I also think it is possible to improve.

Choosing to be happy is as easy as you let it be. I have tried to fake it till I make it, but I want to suggest something better. When I fake being happy, I constantly remember why I am not actually happy, I dwell on it internally, and consequently can never make it to true happiness.

Choose to be happy instead. We are in charge of our mood. I find that I often don't believe it is this easy- but it is. You may have to keep making that choice, over and over, and over again, but keep choosing it. Choose to be happy despite whatever it is that is trying to convince you to stay unhappy.

What if I don't want to be happy? Hmm.. That's a legitimate feeling, that I've also felt... There are two reasons I can think of. Obviously, in life circumstances come up that you can't just brush them off, it would deny the amazing learning experience, and the true feelings that are just as important as being happy. You will have trials, you will have pain, and it would be foolish and naive to suggest that these are not important and necessary. 

Here's the thing though. The other, more common reason people feel this way, is because they are usually selfish. I have been experiencing this today. And, it's not worth it, even when I stubbornly want to stay mad or annoyed at circumstances in my life. It's not worth it for you either. Let's both remember, and choose to be happy. Why would I keep choosing to be upset? I don't enjoy it. So, when I remember this, it's easier for me to set it aside.

I just think, there comes a point where eventually you just have to choose to be happy. Choose to see past the trouble, and be at peace in the storm. You may not be able to control the outer storm raging upon you, but with the help of Christ and His healing, infinite Atonement, you can find a way to be happy, by simply choosing to try.

Maybe we need to remember what happiness truly is. I don't have the space to both keep your attention and explain what I think, but maybe there is more to being happy than smiling all the time. Just think about it, and what it means to you to be happy.

Look at the good things, recognize what the Lord has done for you. Today, I witnessed a glorious sunset, my favorite kinds, and I allowed part of my bad mood drift away. Just take it a step at a time. We'll both get better at this.

And on a lighter note, check this out, my friend posted it on their wall. It will help keep your mind off whatever you are currently letting hold you down. (**PS one of the picture's caption swears, and I don't approve that, just ignore it if you can and choose to be happy in spite of it :)  )


  1. And on days when I'm more prone to be upset because of physical reasons, I get more upset because I know those feelings aren't real and will evaporate by morning. How do I choose to be happy then? Mostly I choose to go away so that the rest of the household doesn't have to be unhappy with me. Is that the better choice?

  2. Mmm... I don't know. I think they are real feelings. I think at times like that, you just have to remember to take deep breaths, and do your best to let go of the anger/unhappiness.

    I am currently contemplating what it means to be happy... so I'll get back to you. I think, that it is hard in times like that, but I also don't think you have to let physical, hormonal, or anything else determine you. I just had a good thought and can't remember.

    I know when I am tired, hungry, or not feeling well, that I am easily upset, but I really think, that if we wanted to, it really would come down to a choice. We may just have to repeatedly remember to let it go, and that it will be ok, and maybe that isn't the typical feeling of happiness, but I think that in a way, it can be... I'll get back to you.
