Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Are your moods correlated with the weather? Sometimes I think the weather is a better descriptor of my mood than a mood ring <--song on YouTube, unrelated to post. And For the record, I am not currently in a storm, but I have in the past noticed a strong correlation ;)

Why is the rain symbolic of sadness? Is it the similarity of rain drops and tear drops? Probably. Why are we depressed when we learn it is going to rain? Ok. Maybe you are not, but I hear it a lot, from different people, and feel the same way often. 

I think it is really interesting, because not only do we need the change to rain to appreciate the sun light, we also desperately need the rain to be just what it is, rain. It cleanses and helps the world grow and recover. 

We need rain and we need trials and sadness. Not just so we can appreciate the good times, but to help us become aware of ourselves, to help us remember what matters most and to realign ourselves with it.

So, yes. Maybe it is metaphorically and literally storming inside and outside of your heart. Let it. Let yourself feel the power of the storm and remember there is a God who not only is in complete control, but who loves you so much that He promises that the storm will end and you will be so much stronger because of it.

For the record, there is a ton of gorgeous pictures of rain. I have been reading up on copyright law, so I took them down. Sorry.

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